HEC Paris + Concord

“I would recommend Concord for the main reason that it is so simple to use.”

- Gael Boisseau, Information Systems Manager at HEC Paris


HEC Paris has students and offices across the globe, meaning often a contract had to be manually printed and mailed back and forth around the world to obtain signatures. The time spent was a huge issue and slowed down processes across all departments.


The time being spent sending documents around the world was no longer possible as HEC Paris moved into the future with digital initiatives. Having all contracts in a single place where users could access and sign a document within seconds made the decision to get a contract management platform simple. Concord’s design was intuitive, allowing employees with all levels of expertise of technology to easily use the system.

“I would recommend Concord for the main reason that it is so simple to use.”- Gael Boisseau, Information Systems Manager at HEC Paris


Training users was simple because of the familiarity of Concord’s design. Navigation was easy because of the tagging structure and allowed users to find and send documents in a matter of minutes, not weeks or months. Time-to-signature drastically decreased after implementing Concord, with the legal team getting signatures faster than ever before.

Security and legality were two other main factors for HEC Paris. With all documents being centralized onto one platform with bank-level security, contracts were safe and compliance was ensured because of a higher level of visibility into all contracts.

Concord is a vital tool for HEC Paris to work efficiently. With over 3,000 contracts total uploaded in just three years, Concord has transformed HEC Paris’ ability to move quickly and be more strategic in their workflow.

Ready to start signing documents? Concord offers a free trial, and all our plans provide unlimited e-signatures for as many users as you need.

Free trial